Top 5 NEW FPS Games of 2023

Top 5 NEW FPS Games of 2023, RoboCop: Rogue City GAME, Crime Boss Rockay City Game, Witchfire Game, Starfield Game, Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl game
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Top 5 NEW FPS Games of 2023
2023 is bringing us tons of new first-person shooter games for all the major gaming platforms. Now, we've got 15 here today, that we're really looking forward to. So let's talk about them.

Starting off with number five, we have 'RoboCop: Rogue City'.

Now this is from the people behind the more recent 'Terminator: Resistance' which wasn't a perfect game but it did a good job using the license, you know the source material of Terminator and we're hoping that they do that again with RoboCop here. We know it's going to be in first-person. It's going to be about you upholding your prime directives as Alex Murphy.

And as a diehard RoboCop fan, I'm really excited about this one, but also really nervous because there's like a little bit of weirdness to RoboCop and some cool satire that sometimes goes over people's heads and I would really like to see them integrate that into this game. But on the other side, RoboCop is just a cool robot that shoots bad guys and that's fun too. 

So honestly, it's a win-win as long as the shooting mechanics are fun and if it feels faithful to the world of RoboCop which is a pretty incredible and unique one. RoboCop used to have a bunch of video games, so you know what? It's about time he makes a comeback.

Next, over at number four we have 'Crime Boss Rockay City.'

This is a first-person shooter kind of like action movie style game focused around turf wars and co-op gameplay. You're gonna be able to play it solo, but it seems like the emphasis is on just likecrazy blasting mayhem in the city, doing heist and seemingly just some real grand theft auto style stuff.

But you're playing as a guy trying to become the crime boss of this city here, but you're gonna be dealing with a colorful cast of characters featuring Michael Madson, Chuck Norris and a bunch of others. It's really cool to see them go for the whole 90s thing. The game is set in the 90s, it's supposed to go for 90s nostalgia and it's featuring so many famous people from the 90s that they're kind of bringing back, which is cool. We need to see more of this game, to be honest.

It could just be kinda like a generic crime first-person shooter but it's got a little bit of a flare to it that we're keeping our eye on it. This one as of right now, is gonna be dropping in March.

Now down to number three, we have 'Witchfire'.

This is a dark fantasy first-person shooter where you're gonna be using guns and spells to hunt down this witch of the black sea. The story setup is actually pretty cool. It's this war against witches where the Vatican decides to resort to forbidden pagan magic to create immortal witch hunters to hopefully help with this battle.

The gunplay, I mean if you see it here, it seems tight and spells seem powerful and fun to cast with all the shooting and it's all happening in what seems to be like this kind of medieval world, which looks very cool.

Guns and knights and witches? Yeah, I'd say sign us up. This is the next game from the development studio The Astronauts, whose last game was 'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter' believe it or not. 

You know that's a very different game if you've played that, but with creative leads from Painkiller and Bullet Storm working on this, we can at least guess that it'll be fun to shoot fun to play at least. So we've been keeping our eye on this one since it was initially revealed.

Now down to number two, of course we have 'Starfield'.

What more can we say about 'Starfield' at this point? You either are really excited for it or extremely skeptical. This is Bethesda's next big first-person RPPG, set in space, where you're gonna be able to create your own ship land on randomly generated planets, build your own base, mine your own resources, go to planets with big cities, do quests, join factions, do Bethesda RPG stuff.

The jury's still out in terms of like we'd still like to see a little bit more gameplay. We've only seen little bits here and there, but if they pull it off, it could be really, really exciting. The potential is wild. For me, the thing I'm looking forward to is just seeing Bethesda do something different. They've been on this on and off. 

Elder Scrolls fallout thing for a while and they've decided to make something completely different totally new IP with its own lore, its own story. So I wanna see what that's about. 'Starfield' has been delayed many, many times, but as of right now we know we're finally getting it in the first half of 2023.

Now down to number one, we have 'Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl.'

Now we're really looking forward to this one just because we're a big fan of the classic games. They were really good like AA style game that were just really unique, PC first-person games.

There was nothing really like them. And with 'Stalker 2', from what we've seen, it just seems like a graphically incredible, high tension, first-person shooter with mystery, science and brutality. It's another post-apocalyptic story, but it's going to be non-linear with complete immersive sim gameplay that looks to probably be pretty challenging, but also pretty spooky. The gameplay videos we've seen here so far are awesome and really we don't know too much more what to say.

We still would wanna see more gameplay videos but this game looks pretty sick and we're looking forward to finally checking it out sometime in 2023.

Those are 5 new first-person shooter games for 2023 that we're really looking forward to. Of course, things get delayed so be sure to double check on release dates but it seems like it's gonna be a good year.

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